Types Of Cash Flow Assistance For Trucking Companies
At Apex, we strive to give you the flexible options you need to get your business on the up and up. That’s why we offer several types of cash flow assistance for trucking companies.
When you work with us, you can determine which one best fulfills your individual needs.
Factoring is a form of cash flow assistance that allows trucking companies to more easily manage their freight bills. With factoring services, you can experience immediate funds in your bank account and easy access to capital with no risk of debt accumulation.
Through our factoring services for trucking companies, we’ll buy your business’s freight invoices and pay you within minutes. Then, we’ll collect on your payments for the lifetime of the invoices. You can use this working capital to minimize debt while accelerating your cash flow.
Fuel Cards
We also make trucking expenses manageable through The Apex Fuel Card Program. This comprehensive TransConnect Services (TCS) fuel card provides companies with discounts on diesel fuel and fuel management tools to help them pinpoint the best fuel prices across the United States and Canada.
When you fill your tank at an in-network fuel station, you’ll get your diesel at a reduced price — plus, you can set spending controls, streamline your International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) reporting, and track your fuel purchases in real time.
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